The Inauguration Of Catch Them Young (Cty) Project - 2022

On 2nd September 2022, TheArchbishop celebrated Holy Mass along with the concelebrants at St. Francis Xavier’s Cathedral for 215 children who are members of the Catch Them Young (CTY) project. This project is initiated by the Bible Commission of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, in order to give them purely bible Classes so that the values of the Bible are inculcated in them at a young age.

The mass commenced with the entrance procession and the Bible Enthronement. The readings, Prayers of the faithful, and the choir were all undertaken by the students themselves. The archbishop exhorted the children to become the carriers of the Word of God. He also asked the parents and the teachers to discipline the children in faith and morals on the principles of the Bible.

At the end of the Mass, he distributed the Holy Bibles to the selected 42 students. Finally, Sr. Virginia Rajakumari SAB, the Secretary to the Commission for Bible appreciated and thanked the Archbishop Peter Machado, Fr. John Antony the Parish Priest, Fr. Amarnath the Principal of St. Aloysius, Fr. Arokiaraj, the Principal of St. Antony’s School and Sr. Anjali the Principal of St. Rock’s School and all the members of the Bible Commission and the teachers of the respective schools.