KRCBC - Commission for Bible
KRCBC - Commission for Bible
On 15th August 2022, The Commission for Bible, Archdiocese of Bangalore organized the Finale of Bible Literacy Quiz, Narration of Bible Stories and Dumb Charades for the children. Thechildren attended the programalong with their family members.
The program commenced with a prayer by Olivia,a student. After the words of welcome by Mrs. AnithaD’souza, the program started with the Bible Story Narration, followed by the Dumb Charades. Sr. Virginia Rajakumari Sab, the Secretary, Commission for Bible gave a message. Fr. Edwin, Fr. Fernandes and Fr. Infant were invited as the Judges for the competition.
The Winners were Niharika (First prize), Fabiola (Second Prize) and Olivia (Third Prize). Archbishop, gave the message and distributed the prizes and also gave away the certificates to all those who participated in the Bible Marathon. The Archbishop also shared meals with the winners and the family